2022/04/15 Watches News

Oriental Watch Company x Grand Seiko Exhibition

Inspired by the Hotaka mountains. Crafted in their shadow. This Spring Drive classic is made by the craftsmen and women of the Shinshu Watch Studio in Japan’s Nagano Prefecture. The studio is surrounded by the Hotaka mountains that, for several months each year, are covered in snow. In the crisp, dry air, and when driven across the slopes by the wind, this snow has a special light and delicate quality that is captured in the subtly textured surface of the dial. The blue tempered steel seconds hand moves over it in the perfect glide motion that is Spring Drive’s unique signature and reflects the continuous, eternal and beautiful nature of time.

Exhibition Details:

Date: 1st April to 30th June 2022

Venue: Shop A, G/F., JD Mall, No. 233-239 Nathan Road, Jordan, Kowloon

Enquiry: (852) 2723 3360