Personal Data Privacy Policy and Statement

Protection of privacy in relation to your personal data is always one of the top priorities of Oriental Watch Company Limited (“Oriental Watch Company” or “we” or “us”, and “our” shall be construed accordingly) and the group of companies to which Oriental Watch Company belongs and of which Oriental Watch Holdings Limited (incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) is the ultimate parent company (the “Group”). The Group respects your rights in relation to your personal data. The Group is committed to comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and the data protection principles thereunder.  Whilst the Group is doing the Group’s very best to serve you in using your personal data, the Group is also at the same time using the Group’s very best effort to secure and protect your personal data.


Personal Information Collection Statement

In order for you to become a member of the VIP Programme of Oriental Watch Company and/or when you browse, access or use the websites of Oriental Watch Company and/or purchase goods and/or services through the online store(s) or physical store(s) of Oriental Watch Company, it is necessary for you to provide Oriental Watch Company with your personal information. If you are unable or unwilling to provide us with complete and correct personal information, Oriental Watch Company may not be able to admit you as a member under the VIP Programme or provide or continue to provide the services to you.


Oriental Watch Company shall keep your personal information confidential at all the times. Oriental Watch Company’s policies and practices with respect to the collection, use, retention, disclosure, transfer, security and access of personal information will be in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong SAR and are as set out in this part.


All the personal information provided by you to Oriental Watch Company and all information relating to the use of your VIP Card may be used and retained by Oriental Watch Company for:


a.) processing your application for VIP membership or other programmes by Oriental Watch Company and/or Oriental Watch Company’s agent;

b.) providing you with Oriental Watch Company’s services;

c.) marketing of goods and/or services by Oriental Watch Company, Oriental Watch Company’s agent, any member of the Group or other parties described in the following sub-paragraph (g) of paragraph “Use of Personal Data in Direct Marketing”, (please see further details in the following paragraph “Use of Personal Data in Direct Marketing”);

d.) providing you with carefully selected offers, promotions and benefits by Oriental Watch Company, Oriental Watch Company’s agent, any member of the Group or other parties described in the following sub-paragraph (g) of paragraph “Use of Personal Data in Direct Marketing”, (please see further details in the following paragraph “Use of Personal Data in Direct Marketing”);

e.) providing you with regular communications including but not limited to details of the VIP Programme and its benefits;

f.) the normal management, operation and maintenance of the VIP Programme or other programmes of Oriental Watch Company;

g.) designing and/or planning new goods and/or services to be offered to you or improving existing goods and/or services;

h.) evaluating and responding to your enquiries, comments and feedback;

i.) providing information on Oriental Watch Company’s goods and/or services to you, and making suggestions or recommendations to you on Oriental Watch Company’s goods and/or services;

j.) processing your orders placed through Oriental Watch Company’s online shop(s) or physical shop(s);

k.) arranging for delivery or collection of goods ordered by you;

l.) for direct marketing purposes subject to your consent as mentioned in the following paragraph of “Use of Personal Data in Direct Marketing”;

m.) processing and investigation of complaints, suspected suspicious transactions and research for goods and/or service improvement;

n.) prevention or detection of crime;

o.) disclosure as required by law or regulations or rules;

p.) aggregated behavioral analysis;

q.) enabling an actual or proposed assignee or transferee of Oriental Watch Company’s business or Oriental Watch Company’s rights in respect of your personal information to evaluate the transaction intended;

r.) enabling Oriental Watch Company to discharge or comply with usual industry practices;

s.) other related purposes.


Oriental Watch Company may for the purpose set out in the above paragraph and the sub-paragraph (e) below, disclose and transfer (whether in Hong Kong or aboard) your personal information to Oriental Watch Company’s agent, any member of the Group, co-branding or cross marketing retail partners or charitable or non-profit making organisations, external service providers (which includes but not limited to Oriental Watch Company’s agents, contractors, mailing providers, telecommunication operators, telemarketing providers, direct sales agents, call centres, data processing providers, information technology providers, collection agencies, financial institutions), any other person under a duty of confidentiality to Oriental Watch Company and any actual or proposed assignees or transferees of Oriental Watch Company’s business or Oriental Watch Company’s rights in respect of your personal information.



Use of Personal Data in Direct Marketing

a.) Oriental Watch Company intends to use your personal data for direct marketing.

b.) Oriental Watch Company may not so use your personal data unless Oriental Watch Company has received your consent (which includes an indication of no objection) to the intended use.

c.) Oriental Watch Company intends to use the following personal data of yours for marketing goods and/or services and/or subjects mentioned in the following sub-paragraph (d):

     ●  Your name
     ●  Your address(es)
     ●  Your birthday
     ●  Your phone number(s)
     ●  Your email address(es)
     ●  Your goods and services consumption portfolio and pattern
     ●  Other information provided by you in the VIP application form, online or in physical store(s)

d.)  Your personal data may be used for marketing the following goods and/or services and/or subjects:

     ●  Watches and related goods and services
     ●  Personal items and related goods and services
     ●  Jewelleries and related goods and services
     ●  Other goods for sale in shops operated by Oriental Watch Company
     ●  Reward, loyalty or privilege programs and related goods and services
     ●  Donations or contributions for charitable and/or non-profit making purposes

e.)   In addition to marketing the above goods, services and subjects by Oriental Watch Company, Oriental Watch Company also intends to provide your data mentioned in above sub-paragraph (c) to all or any of the persons described in the following sub-paragraphs (f) and (g) for use by them in marketing those goods, services and subjects, and Oriental Watch Company may not so provide your data unless Oriental Watch Company has received your written consent (which includes an indication of no objection) to the intended provision.

f.)   The above goods, services and subjects may be marketed or (in case of donations or contributions) solicited by any member of the Group.

g.)  The above goods, services and subjects may be marketed or (in case of donations or contributions) solicited by:

     ●  Co-branding or cross marketing retail partners
     ●  Charitable or non-profit making organizations

h.)   If you do not wish Oriental Watch Company to use or provide to other persons for use all or any of your personal data in direct marketing for all or any of the goods, services and subjects as described above, you may exercise your opt-out right by notifying Oriental Watch Company by calling Oriental Watch Company’s Customers Hotline or by writing to Oriental Watch Company at the address mentioned at the end of this document. Please note that you may give selective consent to (i) the kinds of personal data; (ii) the classes of marketing subjects; and (iii) the classes of data transferees.


Your Rights

You have the right to:


a.) check whether Oriental Watch Company holds any of your personal information;

b.) access your personal information held by Oriental Watch Company;

c.) require Oriental Watch Company to correct any personal information which is inaccurate;

d.) ascertain Oriental Watch Company’s policies and practices (from time to time) in relation to personal information and the type of personal information held by Oriental Watch Company;

e.) opt out from allowing Oriental Watch Company or other parties to use your personal data for direct marketing, please see further details in the above paragraph.


In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of the Hong Kong SAR), Oriental Watch Company has the right to charge you a reasonable fee for the processing of any personal information access request. All requests for access to or correction of personal information and enquiries, regarding policies and practices and types of personal information held should be in writing and addressed to :


Oriental Watch Company Limited


Marketing Department

19th Floor

Wing On Centre

111 Connaught Road Central

Hong Kong


Contact Us

If you experience any technical problems during your access or use of this website, please contact Oriental Watch Company for assistance immediately.


English Version to Prevail

This section is written in English and may be translated into other languages.  In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and other translated version, the English version shall always prevail.